Science Resources for Middle and High School
Free activities, videos, and articles that make teaching science easier—and more fun!

Win a Science Activity Kit + a $100 Gift Certificate to Ward’s Science!

60 Science Trivia Facts To Spark Student Curiosity
Spark students’ interest in and knowledge of science with this trivia.

Free Printable Black Scientist Posters
Get these free posters to brighten your space and spark conversation.

50 Science Bell Ringers to Kick-Start Class
Get bell ringers in every science subject!

NEW: Science by You
Get FREE activities and lessons created exclusively by real teachers like you including new ideas and fresh takes on routine topics!

Free Photosynthesis Worksheets for Middle + High School
Five engaging printables including a maze, scavenger hunt, and diagram!

Free Biology Activities for Your Classroom
Get ready-to-go activities created by teachers like you!

How Do Living Things Work? 4 Classroom Activities
DNA, osmosis, diffusion, and photosynthesis hands-on activities.

Video + Activity: When Fleas Take Energy Drinks
Calculate the heart rate of a flea as it consumes an energy drink.

Activity: Make Your Own Algae Beads
Study photosynthesis and respiration with the help of homegrown algae.

Biotech and Cloning Workflow
An easy-to-read diagram to learn the cell-cloning process.

Printable: Painted Lady Butterfly Activities
Observe and record butterfly life cycles and learn associated vocabulary.

Chemistry Activities Created by Teachers Like You!
Free lessons on the periodic table, ions, and more are available here!

15 Free Hands-On Chemistry Activities
From endothermic reactions to super-absorbent polymers.

Activity: The Periodic Table of Candy
Have students organize candies according to different properties.

Article: Red, White, and Boom! How Fireworks Work
Learn about the explosive combination that creates these displays.

Activity: Polyurethane Foam Reaction
Combine two liquids to create this fantastic reaction that will have your students in awe!

Check Out Chemistry Elements Fun Facts
Learn about the important roles of individual elements.

Geology & Earth Science

Free Earth Science Activities for Your Class
Climate, space, and more! Get these teacher-created lessons.

Student Handout: Environmental Management
What is an environmental manager? Learn about this career here.

5 Fun Ways To Use Fossils in Your Classroom
Fossils are evidence of tectonic plates and mass extinction!

The Best Earth Science Resources + Activities
Study photosynthesis and respiration with the help of homegrown algae.

Understanding Solar Eclipses Poster
Learn about these amazing phenomena with
an eclipse-facts poster.

Fascinating Facts About Columnar Basalt
Observe and record butterfly life cycles and learn vocabulary.

Physics Activities for Your Classroom
Free lessons, labs, and more created by real teachers!

Explore the Science of Color With These Awesome Articles
Receptors, wavelengths, color schemes, and more.

Activity: Newton’s Law Station
14 activities to learn about inertia. Perfect for small groups!

Activity: Demonstrate Density Columns
Create a density column to put students in the thick of it.

Activity: Discover Exoplanets in a Galaxy Not So Near You
Simulate the Transit Method in a way that’s easy to grasp.

5 Troubleshooting Tips for Your Van de Graaff Generator
Perfect for teaching about electricity, but it can be finicky.


Free STEM Lessons and Activities
Awesome activities to use this week created by real teachers!

Activity: Keeping a Great Laboratory Notebook
Learn to keep great notes just like scientist Charles Darwin.

Hopper-Inspired Coding Activity
Introduce students to the Queen of Computer Code with this fun activity.

These Teachers Put Science Olympiad Kits to the Test
Kits that engage students in STEM discovery in creative ways.

Article: Hands-On STEM Made Easy
Get everything you need to make real-world connections.

Activity: Design a Spacesuit in the Classroom
They maintain body temperature in the extreme heat and cold of outer space.

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General Science

Article: 24 Hands-On Science Kits for Middle & High School
Make hands-on learning easy with a ready-to-go kit.

Article: Surprising Science Careers To Share With Students
Get your students excited about a career in science!

Teachers’ Favorite Ways To Use Ward’s Science Products
Get inspiration from fellow teachers, plus tips and tricks.

Free Science Poster Set
Download and print 5 posters for your classroom!

5 Steps to Winning Grants and Increasing Student Success
The Ward’s Grants Services team is here to help—for free!

How Famously Successful People Said Thanks to Teachers
Stephen Hawking, Bill Nye, Bill Gates, and more stories!