32 Funny School Memes That Are All Too Relatable

These sum up the chaos and learning that happens to occur in the same building.

inappropriate word in read aloud meme
Jacque-Louis David, "Madame François Buron," 1769

Schools can be a funny, chaotic, and sometimes daunting place. We’ve all been through some hilarious moments and not-so-fun situations inside those walls. Whether it’s about a classroom experience, recess, textbooks, or even the parking lot, you’re sure to get a chuckle out of these funny school memes.

1. Pure silence.

student reading assignment under lamp meme
We Are Teachers

Am I being ghosted?

2. Oh boy.

inappropriate word in read aloud meme
We Are Teachers

Cue the giggles.

3. Ummm …

Principal says to stop by the office meme
We Are Teachers

Don’t give me this anxiety.

4. Whatcha got there?

catching students texting meme
We Are Teachers

Yup, hand it over.

5. It’s like a duel life.

back to school night vs. everyday outfits funny school meme
We Are Teachers

Although I’d love to be a Hailey every day.

6. Bye, buddy.

goodbye energy on Friday afternoon funny school meme
We Are Teachers

Scrounging up that last ounce of energy.

7. I’m still here!

tube man timers going off for lights meme
We Are Teachers

Not me waving my arms around until they turn back on.

8. Which are you?

field trips chaperones meme
We Are Teachers

Both are a vibe.

9. I gave it all I’ve got.

engaging lesson Ken from Barbie meme
We Are Teachers

I’m just Ken …

10. Whoa there.

Willy Wonka curriculum funny school meme
We Are Teachers

Expectation vs. reality.

11. Ah, the chaos after a substitute teacher.

substitute teacher funny school meme
We Are Teachers

Did you even see the directions on my desk?

12. But seriously, why is it always so cold?

cold classroom meme
We Are Teachers

I need that blanket.

13. Every. Single. Time.

snowflake funny school memes
We Are Teachers

We’ve all seen snow before, and no, we aren’t dismissing early.

14. But at least they’re adorable!

herding cats funny school meme
We Are Teachers

Actually, most days it’s like herding cats.

15. Don’t even get me started on indoor recess.

indoor recess funny school memes
We Are Teachers

It’s mayhem, every time.

16. Utter shock.

don't live at school meme
We Are Teachers


17. Well, it HAS to be someone’s.

nameless paper funny school meme
We Are Teachers

Nobody? Seriously?

18. Nothing fazes me.

nothing fazes me meme
We Are Teachers

Keep chugging along.

19. I’m trying to help you here …

students taking notes funny school memes
We Are Teachers

What if I say “this is going to be on the test”?

20. Let’s get that energy out!

recess funny school memes
We Are Teachers

I’m ready for some sunshine too.

21. The parking lot after school can’t be trusted.

school parking lot meme
We Are Teachers

It has a different plan.

22. It makes sense.

Shoe tying record funny school memes
We Are Teachers

Over or under five per day?

23. They always catch you.

sneaking snacks funny school memes
We Are Teachers

Sorry, not enough to share.

24. Might be time for some new books.

textbook funny school memes
We Are Teachers

The 1990s are calling.

25. Whoops.

wrong day of the week meme
We Are Teachers

It happens to the best of us.

26. Expectation vs. reality.

yearbook photos funny school meme
We Are Teachers

Maybe one of these years it will be half decent.

27. The ultimate face palm.

giving directions funny school memes
We Are Teachers


28. Time to gear up.

boys bathroom funny school memes
We Are Teachers

Nothing can prepare you for what might be in there.

29. Ah, it all makes sense.

full moon meme
We Are Teachers

Do yourself a favor and mark it on the calendar.

30. Absolutely true.

“Lanyard, coffee, keys and phone.”
We Are Teachers

And it happens every day. Lanyard? Check. Coffee? Check. Keys? Check. You get it.

31. Seating charts require a special skill.

seating chart funny school meme
We Are Teachers

No problem.

32. Dead inside.

state test funny school meme
We Are Teachers

They want us to do what?

Loving these funny school memes? Check out these hilarious middle school memes and parent-teacher conference memes.

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