A Strong CTE Program Means More Options for Kids: Get Our Free Guide

Give students a head start in
the job market and help
them find their passion
along the way!

Images from the CTE Guide

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is about giving students the skills they need to thrive in the real world. From hands-on experience to industry-specific training, CTE opens doors, fuels passions, and sets students up for success after graduation. In today’s fast-paced world, having a robust CTE program isn’t just nice to have—it’s absolutely essential for preparing our students for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The U.S. Department of Education reports that ninety-eight percent of U.S. public high schools offer CTE programs to their students. This is great news, but how can we be sure we’re really making the most of these courses and giving our students the skills and practice they’ll need once they leave school? Discover tips, strategies, and tools to optimize your school’s Career and Technical Education programming with We Are Teachers’ comprehensive guide.

Why do I need this guide?

Imagine a world where teens left high school feeling confident in who they are, what they bring to the world, and where they want to go. Strong CTE programs help teens do that and this guide will help you take your school’s CTE program to the next level.

Images of pages from the We Are Teachers career and technical education guide

With this guide, you’ll:

  • Debunk common myths and important facts about CTE programming
  • Get tips on how to strengthen your school’s work-based learning opportunities
  • Learn how to increase student leadership and involvement
  • Explore the increasingly important role DEI plays in these programs
  • Discover top CTE resources and programs

Images of pages from the We Are Teachers career and technical education guide

Packed with practical tips, innovative strategies, and real-world insights, this guide is your roadmap to transforming classrooms, empowering students, and building a brighter future. Don’t miss out—grab your free copy now and let’s make CTE magic happen together!